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April 2016

The Ominvore’s Dilemma by Pasquale Buffa. Every “conscientious”, discerning bon vivant should not miss “The Omnivore’s Dilemma”, written ten years ago by Michael Pollan, a journalism professor at Berkeley. In this book, that has become already a classic in its own genre, Pollan reconstructs the productive chains

An epic taste of Kamasi Washington! by Samuele Vassallo Notes of Blaxploitation sound, Supersonic Jazz, and a decisive aftertaste of Ornette Coleman, Herbie Hancock, and Morricone while the more attuned can enjoy recognizing a veiled reference to the 1975 “Valle dei Templi” album of the Perigeo, a

The First Chapter of Damiano Ferraro He is the emblem of “Sicilianess”. Hospitable and exuberant, then shortly after introverted and mistrustful. A tireless and inspired worker, solitary in his work and in his kitchen, he is nonetheless totally tied to his family. Indeed, it is his