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Born in 1954, Carlo Ferrini, a full-blooded Tuscan from Florence (and, in addition, a passionate fan of the Florence soccer team), after his studies at the Professional Agricultural Institute of his native city, received a doctor’s degree in agronomy from the University of Florence. And

[caption id="attachment_10186" align="alignright" width="150"] Ian D'Agata[/caption] by IAN D’AGATA. Sicily’s red wines, even the good ones, carry a monkey on their shoulders. Namely, most people think of them as broad, fleshy behemoths sporting superripe if not downright overripe aromas and flavors and unwieldy alcohol levels. But this

Emiliano Falsini, born in 1973, is one of the most active – and highly regarded – consulting winemakers of his generation. Born in Empoli and raised in Limite sull’Arno, both near Florence, he attended the Technial Agricultural Institue of the city before graduating with a