The Fuoco Food Festival finished on Sunday. A “pilot” edition which involved the territory around Buccheri in the province of Siracusa, a town in Sicily’s southeast. The event which was a resounding success. Strongly desired by Daniele Miccione, journalist and producer of Tuttotonda, a frequently prize-winning olive oil, the event enabled artisans in the Monti Iblei mountain chain to achieve greater luster and recognition to the fine food products which the territory offers: meat, characuterie, cheese, bread, honey, pastry and, naturally, olive oil.
Many the producers who participated and much the enthusiasm for the possibility of discovering the products of a little known part of Sicily.
The eleven chefs who were present took care of giving a new and greater prestige and visibility to the territory and put themselves to the proof by preparing their plates with fire (a direct cooking between food and flame, often without the use of pots and pans), the principal protagonist of this unique and truly original event.
Among the most striking dishes offered were the lemons filled with ricotta cheese, cooked in the ashes of a fire by Roberto Di Pinto from the gourmet restaurant of Milan’s Bulgari Hotel.
The plates of Michelin two-star chef Ciccio Sultano were also notable, and among them was a tartar of beef served with a light whipped tuna and caper mousse.
Notable as well were the mini-burger prepared by talented chef Giovanni Santoro who, in his restaurant on the slopes of Mount Etna, experiments a modern cuisine which nonetheless utilizes the products of the territory in which he operates.
Young Argentine chef Emiliano Lopez catalyzed the attention of the public with his exhibition of “curanto patagonico”, a method of aboriginal cooking which consists of digging a hole in which meat and vegetables cook after the hole has once again been covered.
Magical the moment in which the hole was dug, and it carried spectators – who rediscovered the concept of the sharing of food – back in time as participants in an antique and bewitching ritual.
Things concluded sweetly with the lemon-laced panettone of Vincenzo Tiri, a specialist in leavened pastry.
The chocolates of Manuele Francesco, prepared with olive oil, were sublime. Many other sweets such as the mandorlivo, an almond-based pastry with a candied olive at its center, are offered in his Nuova Dolceria shop at Ferla
More again: the interesting preparations of the young and highly likeable Sicilian pastry chef, Simone Masuzzo, who has now settled in Milan after a working experience at Giorgio Armani’s Nobu restaurant.
Not to be missed: the cannolo filled with the ricotta cheese of the Mongibella creamery prepared by Silvana Cutrale, a true gem!
But, to tell the truth, there were countless delicacies available for sampling in a relaxed and family atmosphere, one which was, as well, entirely professional.
There were interesting master classes for producers and journalists such as the one on extra-virgin Sicilian olive oil, a product which, after the IGP (Protected Geographical Indication) status it has gained, appears destined for an important place on the market for its quality and essential goodness.
Last but not least, and very special indeed, the tasting of water guided by Giuseppe Dadà, the director of the Ferrarelle firm, an introduction the discovery of mineral water and its unique characteristics. A true party among friends this Fuoco Food Festival, a breath of fresh air in a world, that of gastronomy and fine food often excessively formal and self-indulgent.
In short, a blazing begging for this volcanic Festival. What else needs to be added?
A great start!
- Il fantastico gruppo del Fuoco Food Fest
- Daniele Miccione brinda al FUOCO in compagnia dello chef Giuseppe Zen, Sebastiano Formica, Emiliano Lopez, Dario Calogero, Ernesto Beretta e altri amici
- Daniele Miccione, giornalista e produttore el premiatissimo olio d’oliva TuttaTonda
- Bianca e Martina Miccione giovani e sorridenti sponsor assieme ai fidanzati del fuoco food festival
- Martina e Bianca Miccione presentano l’olio dell’azienda di famiglia
- Ciccio Sultano, due stelle michelin presenta una ventresca cotta alla brace con olive candite e pomodorino confit
- Uno degli chef della squadra di Ciccio Sultano intento nella preparazione della tartare con spuma di tonno e capperi
- Giulia Monteleone, penna di wineinsicily, in compagnia dello chef stellato Ciccio Sultano
- Giovanni Santoro, chef stellato dello Shalai di Linguaglossa, con la fidanzata
- Lo chef Roberto Di Pinto
- Lo chef del Bulgari di Milano Roberto Di Pinto con un giovane assistente dell’istituto alberghiero
- Lo chef Emiliano Lopez alle prese con la salatura dell’asado.
- emiliano Lopez
- Lo chef argentino Emiliano Lopez
- El curanto patagonico viene coperto con dei teli di cotone
- Emiliano Lopez aggiunge le patate che cuoceranno sotto terra
- una Sicilia commestibile!
- Colori di autunno
- Lo chef Virgilio Valenti presenta il suo piatto
- Virgilio Valenti e l’executive chef Inturrisi
- Sebastiano Formica chef de “U’ Lucale” storica trattoria di Buccheri
- Il pasticcere Manuele Francesco presenta le specialità della “Nuova Dolceria” di Ferla
- Lo chef Giuseppe Zen e l’allevatore Giuseppe Grasso brindano con la birra artigianale del birrificio Bruno Ribadi
- Giuseppe Zen in compagnia del produttore di aromi Concetto di Natale e del titolare del caseificio Donna Marina
- La bella Annalisa Cavalieri di Giallo Zafferano, ha contribuito alla realizzazione dell’evento
- Il Boogie Googles acoustic Trio, che ha allietato la giornata
- Giuseppe Dadà guida la masterclass sull’acqua
- Il tasting delle acque organizzato da Ferrarelle
- La masterclass sull’olio extravergine d’oliva siciliano. una eccellenza nostrana
- Ecco la Birra artigianale del birrificio di Cinisi (PA) Bruno Ribadi
- Il produttore di olio d’olio extra vergine di oliva Viragi presenta “Polifemo
- Uno dei produttori di olio presenti al festival
- Massimiliano Castro e la moglie
- Massimiliano Castro e la moglie intenti ad affettare i salumi de “il chiaramontano”
- Alessandro Trigila e Irene Mafro presentano lo zafferano!
- Silvana Cutrale del caseificio Mongibella
- Silvana Cutrale con il marito. affianco uno degli chef della squadra di Ciccio Sultano si gode il cannolo del caseificio Mongibella
- I prodotti dell’azienda Agricola Damigella, fornitrice di semole e pasta.
- I prodotti dell’azienda Agricola Damigella, fornitrice di semole e pasta.
- Le lumache della Lumacheria
- Luca Interlandi e le sue lumache
- Daniele Calogero alle prese con il “curanto patagonico”
- Amelia Bucalo, Emiliano Lopez, Ernesto Beretta e Roberto Di Pinto
- Amelia Bucalo Triglia, ideatrice del teatro del fuoco, con Giuseppe Grasso e Ciccio Sultano
- Giuseppe Grasso e Ernesto Beretta, professode di zootnecnia
- Giulia Monteleone, Leopolda Annalisa Cavalieri inviata di Giallozafferano e Salvatore Spatafora per la Cucina Italiana
- Giulia Monteleone e Emiliano Lopez
- Salvatore Spatafora, penna de “la cucina italiana” intervista Emiliano Lopez
- Emiliano Lopez con William Legati
- Giuseppe Grasso di con emiliano Lopez lo chef del Big Al ristorante specializzato in asado a Roma
- Giuseppe Grasso, allevatore con Bonetta Dell’Oglio
- Un giovane chef
- Uno chef all’opera
- In visita al bellissimo uliveto nella campagna di Buccheri
- In visita al bellissimo uliveto nella campagna di Buccheri