Gambero Rosso – Stoccolma/Monaco di Baviera, Tre Bicchieri® World Tour. Il Calendario


The Tre Bicchieri® World Tour is the main series of events dedicated to presenting the best Italian wines. Launched in 1988, along with the first Gambero Rosso guide to Italian wine, Vini d’italia, it has been expanding in recent years. Today the TreBicchieri World Tour reaches not only several States in America, but also Germany, Canada, China and this year also Moscow, all important destination for the exports of Italian wine.The success of these events has definitively contributed in establishing the Gambero Rosso brand and the authority of the Vini d’Italia guide book worldwide (Gambero Rosso,

Monday, 16 January 2017

Grand Hotel Stockholm
Södra Blasieholmshamnen 8
111 48 Stockholm, Svezia
Info: +46(0)709-733360

Monday, 30 January 2017
Praterinsel Raum Für Events
Praterinsel 3 – 80538 München
Info: +41 (0)31 371 85 25

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